Omicron hits restaurants in Mazatlán; consumption drops this weekend How much is the impact?


They estimate that this situation will continue for the next three weeks, as long as the high incidence of the number of new infections in the town lasts.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The accelerated firing of new COVID-19 infections in recent days has already affected the restaurant sector of the port of Mazatlán, which this weekend caused not only the absence of diners, but also generated a drop in sales of up to 50 percent, and the worst thing is that they estimate it will last the rest of the month, declared Rodrigo Becerra Rodríguez.

The president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Spiced Foods in Mazatlán added that this situation will generate a strong downturn in this sector that at the end of 2021, maintained a good rhythm and influx of diners, in the presence of tourists, but that this weekend, it collapsed notoriously.

“This weekend we had much lower sales, even from last week, and we hope to have a two or three week very moderate sales, but we are optimistic, in the sense that Ómicron is going to pass very quickly.”

How much did affect or did your sales decrease? 

“We could quite drop up to 50 percent of the sales that we had been giving at the end or beginning of the year.”

Becerra Rodríguez said that they adjusted the sanitary protocols to the entrance and stay of the diners, not only in the restrictions of the capacity of people to the sites but also in the preservation of the healthy distance.

He said that this fourth wave that is beginning to be felt in Mexico and Sinaloa, and where the state changed to yellow, according to the epidemiological traffic light, is only a reference to the case of infections, but the important thing is that everyone contributes to care, and not have a social relaxation, but on the contrary help the chain of contagion to be cut as soon as possible.


The Mazatlan Post