They are coming! Hotels in Mazatlán begin to fill up for end of year celebrations


The expectation is 100% occupancy with those who arrive at the “last minute”, explained José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, hotel manager of the “Tres Islas” association.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- By the end of the year, the hotel sector expects to exceed the forecasts of 70 percent in occupancy, especially by those “undecided” who arrive at the destination at the last minute to greet the new year, declared José Ramón Manguart Sanchez. 

The leader of the Association of Hotels “Tres Islas” in Mazatlán expressed that the expectation until before Christmas was 70 percent, but considering the growth that the arrival of tourists had during that weekend, for the next they estimate that it will be the same or higher. 

“Our expectations until a week ago were around seventy percent, but we will be above that, surely we will be in terms exceeding seventy-five percent, with the possibility that this will increase in the next few days based on to the same flow of reservations or last-minute decisions, it is going to be a good closing of the year ”.

Although if there is something that could affect the arrival of people to the port, it is the return to classes on January 3, just a few hours after receiving the arrival of the new year, when this return was marked for the first Monday after of the Three Kings Day. 

Even with this, and due to the behavior that the destination has had within the year 2021, with everything and third wave, the growth expectation for 2022 in terms of hotel occupancy and lodging is between two and four percentage points, more than 60 percent who have been driving. 

However, Manguart Sánchez added that there are things that are key to influence this growth such as the connection with other destinations, maritime, air, or road connectivity, in addition to coordination with the government, although he said, the current administration is seen intention to improve things in tourism.


The Mazatlan Post