Hostel in Concordia? A possible dream


Mayor Raúl Díaz mentioned that he will seek to increase the hotel offer for people who come to events such as the Caín race.

MAZATLÁN.- Concordia has become a sports tourism area that over the years has managed visits from even Spaniards and Austrians, as happened with the last Caín race, which was held from November 12 to 14.

Photo: Fernanda Magallanes

However, one of the problems that the municipality maintains is the lack of hotel offerings, losing the opportunity to leave an economic benefit in the same municipality, since everyone is staying in Mazatlán, as Mayor Raúl Díaz Bernal said.

“There is no hotel infrastructure, we at the moment as we could, individuals rented their houses, for the next we will create a directory of people so that they can provide hostel service, so that the visitor stays and does not go to Mazatlán,” he declared.

Díaz Bernal pointed out that this project is an idea of ​​spending the night to increase the development of Concordia in terms of tourism, that its reactivation will be given with options as you are and that the Señorial Town, one day becomes a Magic Town.

He added that they take advantage of beach tourism in Mazatlan, the arrival of cruise ships, and their tours of the area, so he brings a strategic plan to remodel facades with the National Institute of Anthropology and History and the Ministry of Tourism.

“Little by little we will improve the urban image of the towns, coordinated with the INAH so that the patrimony of the people of Concordia favors economic reactivation because they do not have many alternatives,” he said.

In addition to the Caín race, he informed that some other events are coming, that although they are not as international as this one, they do attract a lot of regional tourism, such as the Banana Pay Festival, the Christmas Eve Fair and the Raspado Fair.

Until now, he said, the tourism that is helping them and has improved the activity in the municipal seat and Copala, is the cruise ship, that from Tuesday to Friday, a couple of buses arrive and travel from these towns and spend a pleasant afternoon, different from the tourism that exists in Mazatlán.


The Mazatlan Post