This Friday, November 19 will be able to see the lunar eclipse longer “almost total” hundreds of years. The event can be seen in Mexico during the early morning ( although in some areas of the country it is cloudy ), where the Moon will pass through the southern part of the Earth’s shadow, generating the astronomical phenomenon.
The eclipse will last 3 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds, making it the longest in 580 years. For this, approximately 99.1% of the Moon will disappear in the shadow of our planet when the Sun and the satellite pass by opposite sides of the Earth.
Here you can see the different stages that the eclipse will have
In this event, the Moon should appear reddish in color, due to the activity of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma, Spain as it slides into the shadow.
This occurs mainly because during the eclipse, the only sunlight that reaches the Moon must pass through the Earth’s atmosphere, so the more dust or clouds in the atmosphere during the event, the redder the light will become. satellite.
How to watch the event from Mexico
The eclipse will be visible from various parts of the world, including Mexico, the United States and Canada, as well as Central America, where it can be observed in its entirety, but also from Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
As for other astronomical events, you can use an application like Star Walk 2 in case for some reason you cannot locate the Moon, because thanks to the device’s sensors, it can show you this and other stars depending on your interest.

To see this phenomenon, it can be done with the naked eye, binoculars or small telescopes without problem, where the lower edge of the Moon will be much brighter than the reddish tone that the rest of the satellite will have.
In the case of our country, the astronomical event will begin at 1:18 am on Friday, when the Moon enters the umbra zone and begins to change color when it is within the shadow of the Earth. By 2 am, the eclipse will be visible at 50% where the reddish hue will be increasingly noticeable and at 3:03 am it will be practically within the umbra, where the orange hue will be projected in most of the satellite.
By 4:05 am the Moon will be 50% out of the shadow as it leaves the umbra zone, and it will be out of this space by 4:47 am.
The last eclipse of 2021
This event, which will be the longest partial eclipse since 1441 and above all, the longest of the century, will be the last of this year and occurs less than six months after the last one that took place on May 26.
In case the sky is unfortunately cloudy, there will be two total eclipses in 2022, one on May 15-16 and one on November 8, both of which will be visible over much of North America and both will last for 85 minutes. .