Mazatlán becomes the number one tourist destination in Mexico


MAZATLÁN.- Mazatlán has achieved what few tourist destinations in Mexico have done and that is to have a progressive recovery, despite the closure that took place as of March 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Little by little the port began to reactivate tourism, becoming a destination and an example to follow. 

Proof of this is that Mazatlán has a first place at the national level for hotel occupancy with 55.94 percent, surpassing by a few tenths the destination of Cancun, which has 54.98, and other tourist destinations in our country, as reported by José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, president of the Tres Islas Hotels Association. 

“That tells you about the confidence that there is towards the destination, having a current destination, present, renewed with a tourist image at its best,” he said. 

He expressed that in the remainder of the year, all weekends will be above 60 percent in hotel occupancy and trusts that with the arrival of the “Buen Fin” it will rebound to 68 percent. 

“We are doing well, we are doing well; Despite the fact that the pandemic continues, we believe that the rest of the year there will be hotel occupations with good numbers. We are happy, we know that it is not an easy situation to acquire the great challenges is precisely to have a work plan ”. 

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He indicated that so far this year, Mazatlán has received 2,770,000 tourists, of which 2.5 percent is equivalent to foreign visitors, the rest corresponds to national tourism, who has been in charge of reactivating the port’s tourist economy. . 

Manguart Sánchez expressed that the most sought-after non-natural attraction in the port was the Malecón, secondly the beaches, and lastly the local gastronomy. 

How do tourists rate Mazatlán?

Visitors recognize its benefits and successes as a sun and beach destination, but they also make them see the problems, and that draws the attention of businessmen in the tourism sector


According to the results of the summer study, obtained with a survey applied to tourists who visited Mazatlán, it showed that the destination achieved a score of 9.5, which means one more point than that registered in 2020, it gave to meet the president of the Association of Hotels and Motels “Tres Islas”.

José Ramón Manguart Sánchez emphasized that in addition to the strengths, the same visitors refer to the weaknesses and pointed out the problems of urban mobility, in addition to other aspects such as cleanliness, and this study, which for the tenth consecutive year is applied among tourists, came out as new point the vacation rental, which will occupy regulation.


“There comes the issue of traveling, timeshares, there is the lack that vacation rentals gain space, that means 27 percent of the total, and that implies the importance of being able to generate legislative regulation that in due course this can be translated into a healthy competition, between hotels, apartments and condominiums, the strength we are seeing is that the rating increased by 9.5 is what tourists give us ”.

At the meeting, where the results were announced, María del Rosario Torres Noriega, Secretary of Tourism in Sinaloa, said that these studies allow an X-ray of the situation in Mazatlán, said by the same visitors, and will help the businessmen in the industry know-how to attack weaknesses.

“That diagnosis, that X-ray, is very important, I mentioned it and you have to sit down with the experts, and the experts are obviously each and every one of you, I want to tell you that I have 20 years in public service, I understand a lot of the issues, more than you imagine, however, there are others who do not, and that is what each of you is for, who will help me to make Sinaloa do better, it is clear to me that I have a great team ”.

The results were analyzed by businessmen in the tourism industry of the port of Mazatlán, based on a considerable number of respondents who during the summer vacation period enjoyed this sun and beach destination.

The Mazatlan Post