With a magnifying glass! Public Works will supervise pending projects in Mazatlán


In Sinaloa, there are from 27 to 30 works in the process of construction and with their resource tagged to conclude it, declared José Luis Zavala Cabanillas

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- This Monday, the new director of supervision of the Ministry of Public Works of the State government, José Carlos Hernández, will visit each of the projects under construction in Mazatlán, such is the case of “Gabriel Leyva” avenue and not only that, but it will also do the same in other municipalities of Sinaloa, declared José Luis Zavala Cabanillas.

The state official specified that in the entity there are from 27 to 30 works in the process of construction, with the resource assigned for its conclusion, and what will be done is to supervise and verify that everything is in order.

“I estimate that there are about 27 works, from 27 to 30, we would have to do the regular count because there are works in agreement with the municipalities that we have to check and we practically have four days there in the secretary, but we are putting a punctual follow-up on everything what is behind schedule to give the corresponding closing and the works are being executed and those that are pending to close are as is, all are being worked ”, indicated. 

Zavala Cabanillas specified that in the case of the “Gabriel Leyva” it is said that it is a project that could be ready at the end of this month of November and that they will be very attentive with the contractors to apply the guarantees if necessary, and not only this, also so that the Public Works Law is respected.

Source: lineadirectaportal.com

The Mazatlan Post