By 2022 Mazatlan could start with the foundations of the USMCA T-MEC train corridor to Canada


The Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry collaborates with the executive projects of said corridor, which in addition to increasing the development of the port, will bring hundreds of new jobs

MAZATLÁN.- You have heard a lot about the USMCA T-MEC corridor, the one that consists of a train that will connect the north of Mexico from Mazatlán, will cross the United States and will culminate in Winnipeg, Canada, three countries and a single railroad, can you imagine?

According to the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry of the southern area of ​​Sinaloa, CMIC, the foundations of this project could begin in the first months of 2022, hoping that the company in charge of this corridor, Grupo Caxxor, will seek collaborators from the region to work.

The president of the CMIC, Guillermo Trewartha Domínguez, mentioned that there is a pending meeting between the CMIC delegations that are on the route through which said train will pass, together with Grupo Caxxor and thus, see how to work together, so be it with studies of soil, labor or participation with machinery. 

“Although everything comes out, for February or March, it is not before 2022, something is going to start,” he said.  

Double-Stack Train

For him, as a builder, he pointed out that the development of a new port and everything that a new train and its tracks entail will be something that Mazatlán evolves, but that it will also bring a lot of work for bricklayers and collaborators in the sector. 

Even Trewartha Domínguez said that surely the companies that will come as construction companies will go to the subcontract and perhaps, there, some local construction company will benefit. 

“Surely large companies with large capital are going to come but there is always the subcontract and the way to work with them and that is what we are looking for, perhaps we will make a pull, several companies from Mazatlán, as we are doing with the avenues here and if we get together five or six, maybe we are at the height of a large company, “he added. 

A couple of weeks ago, Grupo Caxxor sent a statement explaining the progress processes of the project, specifying that they are updating the environmental impact studies and once the permits are obtained, they will start with the first stage of construction of the four industrial parks, which will have around 350 hectares each, in Durango, La Laguna, Monclova, and Nava.


The Mazatlan Post