Young Bird Observers Workshop detects 39 species of birds in Mazatlan


Conselva reveals that more than 15 thousand hectares function as a permanent or temporary home for birds

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Conselva, Coasts and Communities through its Young Bird Observers Workshop, in its urban modality, managed to register 39 species of birds on the platform during October Big Day, which was held on 9 October.

The international event, considered one of the most important in bird counting, added Mazatlán and Paco’s Reserva Flora y Fauna was the place where the record of registration than in previous workshops was surpassed.

Some migratory species observed were the Chestnut Warbler (Icterus spurius), the Perlita Sinaloense (Polioptila nigriceps), the Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) and the Olive Warbler (Oreothlypis celata).

The workshop, sponsored by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, has also held birdwatching sessions at Laguna del Camarón, where 35 species and the Mazatlán Lighthouse, where around 28 species were identified, with the October Big Day count being the highest bird record so far

For his part, the director of projects for Conselva, Coasts and Communities, commented that involving young people from both rural and urban areas in these counts works to set a precedent for protection and conservation in future generations.

These records, he said, serve to continue working on the conservation of Monte Mojino, which so far already amounts to more than 15 thousand hectares, which function as a permanent or temporary home for birds, where around 150 species of birds have been identified. that are considered Neotropical migratory in the Monte Mojino Priority Region for Conservation (located between the municipalities of Rosario and Concordia), which represents almost half of all Neotropical migratory birds registered in America.

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The Mazatlan Post