He was eating him! Report of a crocodile attack on a man in Mazatlan mobilizes authorities


There was a large mobilization of relief, rescue, Municipal Police and Lifeguard corps, who went to the Santa Fe subdivision, south of the port

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – A strong mobilization of the aid, rescue, Municipal Police and Lifeguard forces, was registered this Saturday morning towards the Santa Fe subdivision, south of Mazatlán, due to the report of a crocodile that was eating a man.

The incident was reported around 10:45 am this Saturday in an area known as marsh, near where the whereabouts of some urban buses are located.

Various authorities are on the site, but so far they have not confirmed anything.

It should be noted that in previous days a crocodile walking through the park was reported in the same settlement, which was captured by Civil Protection and the volunteer body of Veteran Firefighters Mazatlán.

Nothing found! The crocodile report that had attacked a man in Santa Fe was false

Civil Protection Personnel, Veteran Firefighters and Public Security, for more than an hour they toured the area and found nothing; that area in the south of the city is a mangrove, that is, where this type of species lives

Nothing found!  The crocodile report that had attacked a man in Santa Fe was false: PC

The Municipal Civil Protection coordinator, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum clarified that the crocodile was not located, which, according to a report issued to C4, had allegedly attacked a person this Saturday morning in the vicinity of the Santa Fe subdivision, south of Mazatlán.

He specified that personnel under his charge, Veteran Firefighters and Public Security moved to the area, where for more than an hour they made an exhaustive tour of the place, without having located any indication or trace of the exposed, nor the person who supposedly alerted the fact.

“Due to the report generated to the emergency number, where supposedly a person had been attacked by a crocodile in the Santa Fe area, it is reported that it was a false report since the area was reviewed, without positive results”, Ruiz Gastélum pointed out.

The official recalled that the crocodile is a protected species and that that area to the south of the city is a mangrove swamp, so he asked the public not to approach if they know that there may be some animals, and in case they come to observe one, that they report it to the 9-1-1 emergency phone so that the corresponding authorities can carry out what is necessary.

He recalled that last Wednesday, in that same area, Veteran Firefighters attended a similar report and managed to capture a specimen that, with the support of the Aquatic Rescue Squad, moved to the Aquarium facilities.

Source: lineadirectaportal.com

The Mazatlan Post