Watch out for the lights on your CFE digital meter, if it’s red, watch out!


Rains, voltage failures, among others, can activate the red nothing encouraging, and if that happens, the best thing is that you go to pay or report to CFE since something bad is happening.

Mexico. – The red color indicates an alert, and if it is in the CFE digital meter, be careful! since something bad is happening and that can be from non-payment or some failure due to high voltage or another high-risk problem. 

If that happens you will have to do two things, go to pay immediately for the electricity to return or call the Federal Electricity Commission to come to make a review and with the problem that could be limiting your service. 

CFE digital meters have lights to help identify the status of your electricity service and give signals about the meter’s operation.

The LED light is located in the middle part of the meter and can have different colors, each one indicates something, so identify them well and detect the warning signs.

• Flashing green: CFE electrical service operation is normal.
• Solid green: when the electricity bill payment period has started.
• Orange: there is a failure in the CFE electrical network. You must report the light failure.
• Red: there is a power outage due to a debit or voltage variations. You must request the CFE to reconnect the electricity service.

After you have made a report of a light failure and you have detected that your meter is not working, you can request the CFE to review the meter by any of the following means:

• Call CFE customer service number 071.
• Go to the window of a CFE customer service center.
• Fill in the online form on the CFE website.

The meter revision is free as long as there is some kind of failure. In the event that the meter works correctly, the CFE will charge a fee for meter verification on your next electricity bill.

So do not risk it, if you have already paid and the red is still on your meter and there is no light, something is happening in your home or business, so learn the warning signs, verify and make the call to the Commission so that they go to check the conditions of your digital meter.

If the electricity bill has not yet arrived at your home, remember that you can consult it directly in the CFE Contigo application and even pay it online so that you do not delay and they will cut it off. 

Mexico Daily Post