There is no balance in the urban development of Mazatlán


Environmentalist assures that the port does not have the basic instruments to order growth

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Any project, no matter how innovative, must be presented to bodies such as the Municipal Planning Institute (Implan), the Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate and even the Cabildo “city council”, to assess its viability, said David Ocampo Peraza.

The president of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Education, regarding the real estate boom that Mazatlán is experiencing and mainly due to the vertical development that occurs in the coastal strip, assured that this is essential to have an orderly growth of Mazatlán.

However, by not having a territorial ecological zoning plan in the municipality, the city lags behind in terms of basic instruments to regulate said growth.

” I think that the package of ordering the city is big now. The city has grown a lot and requires a very well supported municipal planning instrument, very well endorsed or developed, under the councils and schools that are precisely in the Implan “, He said.

” We, as environmentalists, review the environmental impact statement, because each project must be accompanied by an explanation of what and how it is going to be modified, what they are going to do with the water, drainage, and garbage services .”

He added that all these types of infrastructure must be analyzed, consulted, and evaluated under laws and regulations, and not only be shielded by how modern or sophisticated they promise to be.

While millions of pesos are invested in the tourist area, in the neighborhoods they are investing in two or three streets, and there, he added, there is no balance.

“You must see the impact it will have on the surrounding population, large towers are made as if there were no inhabitants in that area who are affected in another way, how are those inhabitants who have añales living there? “, he questioned.

Another aspect, he commented, is that real estate developers go and ask for permission for a certain number of floors or square meters, but that in the course of the work the plans change, they end up with more than what was requested and there is no one to control them.

” The planning instruments in Mazatlán have fallen very short. The city has grown, large development investments are being made here and there, when you least think they are already building another subdivision,” he said.

Finally, the environmentalist affirmed that in Mazatlán there is no sustainable development, so it is necessary to balance all sectors and not privilege only one.

” Sustainable development is very complicated because if we say that one of the great basic problems of the city is, how are you ordering your municipal solid waste and the management of wastewater, green areas and all those things if we are failing in That, which are the basic questions, imagine the other, it is very complicated, you have to work a lot, you have to have a very strong level of environmental awareness, “he said.


The Mazatlan Post