May closes with a rebound in active Covid cases in Mazatlán


It is the second month with the most active patients, while the number of new cases remains the same as April

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The last week of May closed with an average of 90.2 active patients of Covid-19 in Mazatlán, which places the month in the second place with more cases of the year, with an average of 64.8 active patients, higher than the months of January, March, and April, which registered 58, 55.9 and 49.8, respectively.

As for active patients, the month of February is the highest until today, with 85.5 cases on average in the port. In that month there were 10.8 new cases, 2.4 deaths and 11.75 discharges per day.

March was characterized by registering the highest number of deaths from Covid-19 so far, adding 2.9 deaths per day.

January reported the highest number of new patients for the year, with 11.1 cases on average.

Since February, the monthly number of active patients showed a downward trend, falling from 85.5 to 55.9 cases in March and to 49.7 in April, on average.

However, in May the number of active patients increased again with peaks of 99, 97, 95 and 92 patients a day in the last week, while the new cases remained at 7.5, a tenth of a difference compared to April , which recorded 7.6.

The statistics released by the Sinaloa Health Services on its Covid-19 Sinaloa page, cut to May 31, show that 4,903 people infected with the virus have recovered in the port, 938 have died from this cause, 88 remain active and 38 are suspect.

Mazatlán is located in the second place with the most infected and recovered patients, after Culiacán, which registers a total of 14,721 patients discharged, and in third place with the number of deaths, it is preceded by Culiacán with 2,367 deaths and Ahome with 1,087 deaths.


  • 4,903 people infected with the virus have recovered in Mazatlán.
  • 938 deaths from Covid-19 have been reported in the port during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • 88 active patients had the last day of May.



  • January: 11.1 new cases, 1.4 deaths, 8 discharges and 58 active.
  • February: 10.8 new cases, 2.4 deaths, 11.75 discharges and 85.5 active.
  • March: 8.1 new cases, 2.9 deaths, 6.7 discharges and 55.9 active.
  • April: 7.6 new cases, 11.8 deaths, 4.6 discharges and 49.7 active.
  • May: 7.5 new cases, 0.54 deaths, 7 discharges and 64.8 active.
  • SOURCE: Health Services of Sinaloa, Covid-19 Sinaloa, cut off as of May 31.

The Mazatlan Post