Gringos Ajijic & Lakeside Facebook Page Fight Against Corruption

THE VERDICT IS IN: Earlier today a group member decided to publish a post bragging about how they obtained a Jalisco driver’s license illegally.

First let me say, I (as admin, as a community leader, as someone with a moral compass, integrity and respect for the laws by which we all agree to in living in this country) take offense to the attempt to dupe both me, as well as the group members. Do not ever try to slide this by me again.

Secondly, if you are going to break the law – DON’T BRAG ABOUT IT ON FACEBOOK. You [lady] have already been reported, and someone will probably lose their job today.

Third, the post has been deleted. And let me just add, it is so easy, comically easy, to get a legal driver’s license in this state. I have assisted 100’s (?) of Gringos in getting their license, and they ALL received one…LEGITIMATELY. I am NOT suggesting that coyotes and illegally gotten gains are not prolific in this country, in this world…BUT THIS GROUP IS NOT INTENDED TO TEACH OR ASSIST WITH LESS THAN SCRUPULOUS DEEDS.

And finally…There is no need for misinformation and speculation regarding earning a Jalisco driver’s license. Correct info is well documented, repeatedly, in this group.* There is a driver’s license modulo in Chapala. It is not mandated that you go to Guadalajara. Though you could if you wanted.

* You do need and appointment.…/client/newAppointment

* If you have a valid foreign license, it is not necessary to take the driving portion of the test.

* There is NOOOOOOO need to bribe, pay mordidas or otherwise falsify drivers license. Unless you seriously cannot drive or pass a 10 question written test. If you can’t drive legally – DON’T DRIVE PEOPLE!

* There are many recommendations within the group for people to assist you in the process if you wish. People like Ricardo RossasJessica BandaAnna Guziewicz and Luzma Grande (and more, I’m sure). They all can help you study for the test, and assure you have all the exact paperwork in order beforehand.

And trust me – if the people listed above are present for an official intentionally trying to make you parallel park in the wrong manner, or any other illegal maneuver to solicit a bribe – they absolutely know how to report and do something about it.

“Gringos Ajijic & Lakeside” Facebook Page

Lake Chapala Post