Benítez Torres leaves the Mazatlan Mayorship to seek reelection


By majority vote, councilor José Manuel Villalobos Jiménez is the new provisional Mayor

With 9 votes in favor and 4 against, the morenista councilor will direct the second most important municipality of Sinaloa and one of the ports of stature and international renown

Cabildo approves license for 'El Químico' Benítez and councilor José Manuel Villalobos is in charge

Mazatlán, Sin.- During the Extraordinary Session number 32, the plenary session unanimously approved the licenses to leave office without pay, presented by the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres and the attorney general, Elsa Isela Bojorquez Mascareño.

The councilor, José Manuel Villalobos Jiménez was elected by a majority of votes against the councilor Rodolfo Cardona Pérez, as the provisional municipal president and as substitute councilor, Jesús Antonio Ramírez Patiño, who served as director of the DIF System, will remain.

While Nayla Velarde Narváez, former director of the Municipal Youth Institute and until that moment, the mayor’s private secretary, will take over as attorney general.

Benítez Torres’ leave of absence runs from March 7 to June 7 and Bojorquez Mascareño’s from this day and for an indefinite period of time.


The Mazatlan Post