Well-deserved recognition after 83 years of working as a craftswoman


YUCATAN, MEXICO (Feb. 21, 2021).- When she was only 12 years of age, Genoveva Ek Canul began her path through the world of crafts making beautiful pieces of white liana and huano palm, a work that at 95 years old she continues to carry out with pride, which is why she received well-deserved recognition from of the City Council of Kinchil and by the Institute for the Development of the Mayan Culture (Indemaya).

In the framework of the 21st commemoration of the International Day of Mother Languages, the host mayor, Carlos Valentín Pech Dzib, and the head of the agency, Eric Villanueva Mukul, also highlighted the noble work of the traditional midwives María Senobia Chuil and Rita Tzuc Alonzo, for more than 40 years, as well as the Xmen Pedrolino Balam Balam, from the Tamchén police station.

In turn, the trajectory of the teacher Idelfonso May Caballero was recognized, who has been integrating choirs in the Mayan language for 10 years, such as Kinchil’s “Tumben K’ay”, who also received his deserved distinction and enlivened the day by interpreting the National Anthem in the Mayan language and the song “Mayabil j-xíimbal (Caminante del Mayab)”.

Before the president of the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF) of Kinchil, Neyffi Balam Koyoc, and the secretary of the commune, Leticia Tzuc Quintal, Villanueva Mukul explained that, since the beginning of the administration, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal entrusted them to promote that Yucatán is the first bilingual entity in the country. In turn, he highlighted the cultural and development richness that speaking the Mayan language represents for children.

For his part, the mayor thanked the opportunity to host the celebration of this anniversary. “Today today it is our responsibility to enhance and, above all, preserve our cultures and our languages, which some write, others listen to, and many others only express themselves through signs, but all are important to communicate and, above all, to express our needs and everyday actions ”, he asserted.

“As well as a server, hundreds of Yucatecans and Kinchileños are honored and proud to belong to this magnificent land of the Mayab and, above all, to have 100 percent Mayan blood in our veins and that here and anywhere in the world we feel 100 percent. one hundred proud and highlight where we come from, where we are from and why we are here ”, he added.

The event began with the performance of the folk group “Kinich Ahau”, who danced the A Kinchil jarana. Also, Indemaya gave the prizes of the short story contest in Maya “Táan in k’aj óoltik in miatsil”. For its part, the City Council mounted an exhibition of crafts.

Other businessmen and women that participated in this exhibition are Cristina Pech Dzul, with Bordados Fantasía; Francis Judith Poot Cab, with Handmade Accessories Madison Necklaces; Juana Corpus Torres, with Crafts and carving of gourds and wall lamps; Juan Cristóbal Solís Martínez, from the “Kaabil cha áķ” Group of Meliponicultors, and María Higinia Poot Pool, with “Uloolil Aaak” baskets;

Completing the list are Rosalinda Tzuc Dzul, with Hammock weaving “Colibrí; Juanita May Pech, with Embroidery Juanita May; Marlene Rubí Sosa Cua, with handmade bags; María Magdalena de Jesús Dzul Tzuc, with cross stitch embroidery, piñatas and hammocks, and Candelaria Gamboa Madera, with bows and handmade crafts.

Also, Ángel Alfonso Kú Balam, representing the Manos Artesanas table, and Isela Chan Ucan with Bordados Floriberta, on behalf of her mother. During the event, the corresponding prevention protocols against Covid-19 were strictly followed.

The director of the Colegio de Bachilleres, Plantel Kinchil, Isabel Cerón Ramírez also attended the ceremony; along with the Director of Indigenous Education of the Secretary of Education of the State Government (Segey), Noemí Chel Ucán; and the deputy director of Development and Organization of Indemaya, Carlos Grajales Peniche.

So, after 83 years working as an expert artisan, Genoveva Ek Canul received this well-deserved recognition from of the City Council of Kinchil and INDEMAYA.

Source: Yucatan Ahora

The Yucatan Post