San Miguel de Allende: “The Gallery City”


Every day a new gallery is created, an obscure corner of San Miguel is transformed

May I start by saying that photographing San Miguel de Allende’s new Urban Art Gallery in a highway underpass is best not done during Friday morning rush-hour traffic.

I mean, really, at how many art galleries can you say you take your life into your hands stepping out in front of a picture, trying to take a decent photograph?

Nevertheless, that is when I got there and that is when these photos were taken.

Not a one does justice to the ten murals that have been created since Monday on the Libramiento underpass leading into Colonia San Antonio (just south of Hospital H+).

You really have to see them up close — and even from across the street — to appreciate what these artists put into their work.

Here are the ten, completed in just four days, some in even less time:

The God Xochipilli by Jesus Valenzuela Martinez (Juice) and Carlos E. Gallardo (Blue), This is a multitasking god, responsible for flowers, pleasure and drunkeness.
Ekzael Illescas (Ekazone) was delayed arriving until Thursday. And yes, this is what he created in a single day.
Eduardoś embrace wins the day on the romance scale.
Efrain Gonzalez’s tribute to the Mexican heritage artist Jesus Helguera is the work of many hands. You can see the names of all of his apprentices across the bottom!
Artist Merle Herrera’s woman with the traffic-stopping gaze.
Artist Mane breaks the fourth wall as his Maria Doll reaches for her escaped balloon. San Miguel is in the background.
Alejandro Cortés (Boomzer) is one of six artists who chose birds in their themes.
Ana Raga’s boy exudes ecstasy as he rides a racing chicken that comes with gamer controls.
Andrea Felix’s curlicued crane dips in and out of an extra dimension or two.
in the composition of Juan Villafana (FatLC), hummingbirds bookend an indigenous child releasing a white dove.


San Miguel Post