Whale spotted in the heart of Acapulco Bay


A surprising sighting was caught on video by local fisnermen in the port of Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico; which has been shared on social networks by Geologist Sergio Almazán.

In the clip you can see at least one whale jumping and swimming in the bay of Acapulco, in the absence of tourists and fishing boats.

A couple of weeks ago, images were released about the presence of these mammals, which seem to enjoy the bays of this beach destination in the state of Guerrero.

Some specimens of these marine mammals have been observed in the area since April this year; however, they have caused the amazement of residents and Internet users, because in “normal” conditions it is not common for this type of natural spectacle to occur right in front of Acapulco Bay.

It is worth mentioning that during 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a large number of sightings of different species have been registered. These animals are visiting areas that are normally occupied by tourism.

This last video was captured on December 4th and looks like these type of sightings could become more and more common, at least while the lockdown is still on.

Geól. Sergio Almazán@chematierra

#ballena en la bahía de #Acapulco, México 4 de diciembre de 2020 Créditos @javo_pena


The Guerrero Post