12 Reasons why MERIDA, MEXICO is AWESOME (video)


Tangerine Travels decided to spend a few weeks in Merida, Yucatan to learn what makes this Mexican city special. As it turns out, there’s quite a bit to enjoy about the city, including:

– It’s considered the safest city in Mexico

– Merida is filled with impressive architecture and historic buildings

– You can learn about and see almost 500 years worth of history – The Yucatecan food is nothing short of crave-worthy – The cost of living is relatively low

– Merida has the 2nd largest expat community in Mexico – and more!

We think after watching this video, you’ll agree that Merida is a bucket list worthy city that you’ll definitely want to visit.

For those who like to travel Mexico, it’s the perfect combination of modern and historic with rich culture mixed in.

ABOUT US (MADDIE & JORDAN) In January 2018, we sold everything we owned in the US (except our husky Laska & what fit in our tiny, tangerine Prius C3) to travel the world—starting with Mexico. Since then, we’ve been making travel videos about our life in Mexico and the new experiences we encounter while traveling the world. If you’d like to join our shenanigans, subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can also poke around our social media to find out what we’re up to each week.

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The Yucatan Post