For the month of November, almost every weekend is full
Mazatlán, Sinaloa- The end of the year looks very good for Mazatlán, because on weekends, hotel occupancies are at their maximum without the need for it to be a 3-day holiday vacation, said the Marketing Director of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of Mazatlán, José Gámez Valle.
He pointed out that in this month of November the expectations were low, since the last months of the year stood out for being attractive to congresses, however, road and plane tourism came to compensate for the lack of these events, since several hotels in the port already have the maximum number of reservations every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
“There were sad expectations because November is the month of congresses and conventions in Mazatlán and right now it is what cannot be carried out due to the topic of meetings, there cannot be many people concentrated in a single space, but tourists who travel from individually they have come to supply and supply well at least in Mazatlán. We are the national envy at this time, as the beach destination that has emerged the most, not only in Mexico but worldwide, “he said.
Gámez Valle, explained that it is even possible to speak of remarkable months despite the pandemic, since during the previous month’s figures from previous years were exceeded, still with restrictions.
“The 3-day weekend holidays have not been necessary, every weekend since August they have been with very good occupation in Mazatlán; September was a good month, despite the pandemic, October was the same. In most of the hotels, let’s say 50 percent of the hotels in Mazatlán, including September and October were better months of occupancy than last year, and November is seen to be better than October ”, he mentioned.
From November 14 to 16, the second bridge of the month will be held, for which the hotel sector is already preparing to receive a large number of vacationers, as it happened last weekend.