Committee on sexual diversity proposes to ban conversion therapies in Sinaloa

The sexual diversity committee of the Sinaloa Congress proposes to prohibit conversion therapies in the state and punish them with up to 8 years in prison for violating the free development of people and mental health.

Sinaloa.- The Committee for Sexual Diversity of Sinaloa, proposes that the so-called conversion therapies of sexual orientation and gender identity are punishable by up to 8 years in prison for those who promote them. 


The representatives of the Lgbttti collective presented an initiative to the Sinaloa State Congress to stipulate by law the prohibition of these conversion therapies, considering that they threaten the free development of people and are harmful to emotional health. 

The proposal consists of punishing with 5 to 8 years in prison whoever professionally or non-professionally provides conversion or sexual reorientation therapies and classifying it as a crime in the penal code

Tiago Ventura and Almendra Negrete, members of the group, stated that, in Mexico City, the State of Mexico and Puebla, work has already been done to punish this type of practice, and therefore, it is convenient to replicate it across Mexico.

Jorge Saludo Technical Secretary of the Comprehensive Protection System for the Rights of Girls, Boys, and Adolescents ( SIPINNA ) accompanied the group to the delivery of the initiative and highlighted that this initiative protects the development of children and teenagers to develop in spaces free of violence and also, decide freely about themselves. 

“We are talking about the right to develop in spaces free of violence, as this initiative arises, it is argued that they subject you to treatments of that simple nature and you are simply putting a person and their rights to health at risk, their right to have progressive development, “he concluded.

Source: Debate

The Mazatlan Post