The first case of covid-19 with influenza confirmed in Mexico


The director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, José Luis Alomía, confirmed the first case of a 54-year-old Mexican woman with a combined diagnosis of covid-19 and influenza

The director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, José Luis Alomía, confirmed the first case of a 54-year-old Mexican with a combined diagnosis of covid-19 and AH1N1 influenza, who is currently hospitalized at the National Institute of Nutrition. 

He said it is the first positive case of seasonal influenza in the fall-winter. 

Dr. Alomía reported that the woman was hospitalized for covid-19 on October 6 and returned to hospitalization on October 8 for influenza.

In the same sample that had been taken for his diagnosis of covid-19, the influenza virus AH1N1 was found, so he contracted both viruses in the same period of time.

The patient is progressing positively and stressed that she is a case with a previous diagnosis of autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity, and chronic lung disease. 

He stressed that there are no studies that indicate that having two viruses in the respiratory tract at the same time worsens the situation for patients.

Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, there were 3,175 new infections, 139 people died from covid-19 and the positivity of the cases remains at 36%, explained the director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, José Luis Alomía.  

He commented that the occupation of beds for patients due to covid is at 27% nationwide, highlighting Campeche where only 1% of its beds with ventilators are occupied, one of the reasons why this entity is on a green light.  

In total, the patients confirmed by covid-19 amounted to 817 thousand 503 positive cases, and 83 thousand 781 deaths from this condition.

On the other hand, the director of the Operations Center for Contingency Attention of the Ministry of Health, Gabriel García, reported minor damages in the hospital units located in the Yucatan peninsula due to the passage of Hurricane Delta.

He pointed out that these minor effects are related to rain leaks, flooding, falls of fences, in some of the 1,135 hospital units.


Mexico Daily Post