A large number of businesses go bankrupt in Tlaxcala due to the pandemic


TLAXCALA, Tlax., October 9, 2020.- In the capital of Tlaxcala, businesses of various commercial lines went bankrupt with the health emergency due to the COVID 19 pandemic, they are on this list from franchises, hotels, bars, to galleries that for lack of clients closed definitively.

On the list are from the best known as The Italian Coffee franchise, which with more than 20 years of existence, started next to the Portal Chico, then went on to be located in the Portal Grande de Tlaxcala, years ago it was moved to a large house on Avenida Juárez, but in September 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, it closed down, withdrew its sign from the facade and closed its doors.

Other coffee businesses that the coronavirus caused to close are Fabrik Kaffee and Café Regina, which were located in the Portal Chico of the capital of Tlaxcala, in addition to the so-called Café Del Diablo, the latter located on the corner of Avenida Independencia and Guerrero, in front of the Open Chapel.

Places that daily congregated countless Tlaxcalans of different ages and tastes, as they became meeting centers and places of conversation for friends and acquaintances. Another of the franchises that Tlaxcala left was the Hotel Posada, known in the capital as the Hotel Posada San Francisco, leased by the Group Bussines Bizmarts SA de CV company, which temporarily closed its doors on May 15 and sent its employees home.

This pandemic also affected bars that have been closed since March due to the danger of contagion from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, these companies remain temporarily without operation, however, some of these establishments located on Morelos Street, one block from the historic center, finally lowered their curtains and abandoned the premises that they had rented for years and are now empty.

But, this coronavirus pandemic has not only affected businesses such as taverns, cafes, and restaurants but it also caused that places of culture such as the Ahuatzín Gallery, would finally close their doors as well as many other businesses in the state capital.

In other municipalities of the state, businesses went bankrupt and capital was lost due to the arrival of COVID 19, which has caused deaths, infections, health emergencies, and economic problems for thousands of Tlaxcalans.

Source: https://tlaxcala.quadratin.com.mx

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