Colima scientist asks people to plant more flowers in gardens to feed the bees

Colima, Mexico.- Although bees are considered the most useful and important insects for humans, they are dying worldwide.

This is due to the excessive use of agrochemicals, pesticides, and invasive species, said José María Tapia González, director of the Bee Research Center of the Southern University Center of the University of Guadalajara.

In 2019, he gave the lecture “Importance of bees in the biodiversity of production”, at the First Regional Beekeeping Symposium in Colima, where he proposed planting native species that flourish throughout the year in public and private gardens.

He indicated that scientists agree that pollination keeps ecosystems alive.

“Of this diversity of pollinators, some, such as apis mellifera, the honey bee, are specifically responsible for pollinating up to 80 different plants”.

José María Tapia González, director of the Bee Research Center of the Southern University Center of the University of Guadalajara

In a study carried out in the Volcán Nevado de Colima National Park, it was determined that this honey bee pollinates a great diversity of plants. “Among pollinators, apis mellifera is the most important.”

Source: Diario de Colima

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