Covid-19 tourism awareness campaign begins in Mazatlan


Personnel of the SSPyTM, Civil Protection and the Mazatlán Mayor’s Office began an awareness campaign for tourists about the importance of addressing health measures for Covid-19.

MAZATLAN, SINALOA (October 1, 2020).- The office manager of the Municipal Ministry of Public Security and Traffic, Juan Ramón Alfaro Gaxiola said on Thursday, October 1st, that the campaign of awareness of  tourists on the importance of using masks to prevent spread of Covid-19 has begun in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.

Personnel from SSPyTM, Civil Protection and the Mayor’s Office carried out surveillance on the catamaran docks to verify the attention of tourism service providers towards clients in compliance with the sanitary measures recommended by the Ministry of Health and the Government of Sinaloa to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

The participants of the campaign monitor the tourists temperature, the use of antibacterial gel, mandatory use of face mask, healthy distance, among other measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

“Today we begin with the operation to raise awareness among tourists that ride catamarans, that is the instruction we have from Mayor Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres. We were checking that service providers take their temperature, that they use the gel, that they wear face masks. If tourists do not have a mask one can be provided by service providers. Civil Protection, Commerce, Public Security, and the Grupo Leopardo Turístico they are all participating in this campaign, so that we do not lower our guard and prevent Covid-19 from spreading, “explained Alfaro Gaxiola.

Likewise, in other areas of Mazatlán, outreach operations were carried out with the drivers of chariots and pulmonias, who were informed of the pertinent sanitary measures in relation to the number of users, use of face masks and keep healthy distance at all times.

“This awareness campaign is being impemented in order for the port of Mazatlán, Sinaloa, to continue as a safe tourist destination in all aspects”, reported the Ministry of Public Safety and Municipal Transit.

Source: Debate

The Mazatlan Post