Due to the illegality with which they affirm that transnational companies operate, they presented an initiative and requested a meeting with Deputy Karla Montero
Sinaloa.- Choferes service Taxi throughout the state of Sinaloa met during the morning (Tuesday) to carry out a sit-in in front of the Congress of the State of Sinaloa in the city of Culiacan to protest against laws that allow Uber keep working paying less taxes.
Fury among the workers behind the wheel of Sinaloa generated the bill proposed by Deputy Karla Montero, as they indicated that they did not consider or read the initiatives that they had presented to the plenary session on public transport and its regulation.
Around a hundred taxi drivers, yesterday morning peacefully demonstrated in front of the Sinaloa State Congress, coming from different municipalities.
Representatives from Culiacán, Mazatlán, Ahome, Guasave, Salvador Alvarado, and Guamúchil stopped their taxis at one side of the building and raised their voices due to the lack of consultation forums and the preference that state laws give to transnational companies that operate through of digital platforms, such as Uber and Didi.
The president of the State Front of Transporters, Francisco Javier Juárez Hernández, declared that the laws and Congress separate transporters as first and second: while transnational companies and the drivers that operate in them have the guarantees of the law, without paying taxes, taxi service drivers are treated like second rate, he said.
Giving more legality was something for which local carriers have delivered initiatives in the past. She recalled that a year ago, on June 3, there had already been a sit-in of taxi drivers in the same place, with which they managed to get the president of the Political Coordination Board, Deputy Graciela Domínguez Nava, to make the commitment.
However, without forums and without readings, the president of the Planning and Development Commission, deputy Karla Montero, presented the initiative before the plenary session for the reform of the Mobility Law of the State of Sinaloa.
In this, they said, the participation of the carriers was not taken into account, nor is the issue of the non-payment of taxes and regulations to transnational companies that local taxi drivers do carry.
” While the transnationals are given all the guarantees, they continue to treat us as second-rate carriers, ” he said.
The transnationals do not pay taxes, not even in the initiative they comment on anything that has to do with this situation.
They assured that they are not against transnational platforms, but against the illegality with which they operate in the state, and demanded that the commitment to hold consultation forums be fulfilled before modifying the law.
- According to taxi drivers, the reform to the Urban Mobility Law that was proposed in the State Congress does not address the issue for which carriers have presented initiatives in the past, which is the payment of taxes to transnational companies.
- During the demonstration, the transporters indicated that they will be seeking to have a direct meeting with Deputy Karla Montero to discuss the situation, from whom they require forums for consultation and reading of the initiatives they have presented.
Source: debate.com.mx