“UFO sighting” Strange lights alert inhabitants of Tabasco Villahermosa

We are not alone

Various Internet users reported the sighting of strange lights that surprised the inhabitants of this Mexican state

CITIZENS of Villahermosa Tabasco, Sighted strange lights in the sky around 9 at night this Sunday, September 20, which caused astonishment among thousands of Internet users who witnessed the strange phenomenon that they reported through their social networks.

According to the different witnesses, the lights were seen going up and down with strange movements, in addition to being red and it seemed they were heading out to sea, many users of social networks referred to these lights as a possible UFO 

People gathered to observe the phenomenon

Despite going through a pandemic that affects the world, dozens of people gathered on the boardwalk to take photos and videos of the strange phenomenon.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that this type of lights have been observed in Villahermosa, after last Friday, July 10, users also shared photographs of a reddish sky with ” strange ” lights.

All kinds of comments immediately emerged, from the scientific causes of the phenomenon to jokes that talk about the ” end of the world. 

Source: heraldodemexico.com.mx

Tabasco Post