Mazatlan’s new risk atlas ready


The new Risk Atlas, which had a cost of close to 9 million pesos, is already finished and includes around 800 maps and all the necessary information on the risk areas of the municipality, reported the director of Welfare and Social Development, Tonatiuh War Martinez.

He said that it is ready and is currently being verified by the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) and then installed on special equipment.

“The new Risk Atlas brings the cartographic update of the entire city of Mazatlán, including landslide areas, flood zones, chemical product management areas, location of danger zones, such as gas stations, gas tanks, product factories chemicals, natural basins, the 30-year growth of the city and how it would affect the environment, brings all the information, apart from the fact that it is a virtual map and it will be able to be updated here directly in the Implan or Civil Protection, already to be their decision, they will be able to enter information “.

The municipal official reported that it had a cost of around 8 million 900 thousand pesos, however, it will not be open to the public.

Guerra Martínez gave an example that if the areas detected as being at risk due to the clandestine intakes of the Pemex pipelines, where both the Municipality, the State or the Federation, they will have to act accordingly because there is already a document that validates the problems of that area of ​​the city.


The Mazatlan Post