In seven days, 300 bus drivers have been sanctioned in Sinaloa


Culiacán, Sinaloa (August 20, 2020).- After the demand of the citizens and some transporters for making the use of face masks mandatory in urban transport and that the State Health Safety Council approved it, bus drivers who do not use it properly are still observed, which has been reflected in 300 penalties for bus operators.

The director of the Roads and Transportation unit, Feliciano Valle Sandoval, explained that in the first week that this measure was decreed, no temporary suspension has been applied to drivers, nor an economic sanction.

He explained that depending on the offense it is the sanction that is applied if it is for the first time, only a warning is applied, in a second stage, an economic infraction of 440 pesos is applied and if there is a third incident, that means the detention of the unit and temporary suspension of the driver.

Valle Sandoval indicated that it has been in the municipalities of Ahome, Culiacán and Mazatlán where more sanctions have been applied, as these are sectors where there is a greater population.

Finally, the director of Roads and Transportation concluded saying that they are now working at 60% of their capacity.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post