Picachos dam overflows Mazatlan Civil Protection on alert


Mazatlan Sinaloa.- The Municipal Civil Protection Coordinator, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum announced that the rains in the mountainous area and the consequent runoff to the Pichachos dam, caused the storage level of this body of water to be found this Thursday afternoon 62 centimeters above the curtain, and because of this around 253 cubic meters per second are being poured.

This caused the Presidio river to increase its flow, which the Local Emergency Response Committee monitors, he mentioned since the dumping will continue in the next few hours until the Picachos falls to optimal operating levels.

Pesca en Presa Picachos 2 días 1 noche para 12 personas | Sulasula

“Yesterday this dumping began due to the collection of water that is falling in the mountain area and seeps into the Picachos dam. Part of the actions of the Local Emergency Response Committee to be monitoring and pending the levels of the dam, for what it represents for Mazatlan and southern Sinaloa. The Municipal Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres is monitoring, using technology in conjunction with Conagua to know in real-time what is happening, “he said.

Given the first flood of the Presidio River in this rainy season, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum asked the population living on both banks, to be on the slope of the riverbed, to avoid being on the banks, as well as to travel on the roads that lead from one town to another crossing the river, so as not to take risks.

Source: noroeste.com.mx, vivalanoticia.mx

The Mazatlan Post