Mexicans demand the resignation of AMLO


The protest was held a day before the partial reopening of restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, and outdoor sports venues in the Mexican capital.

Hundreds of cars toured Mexico City on Sunday (06/28/2020) to demand the resignation of President Andrés López Obrador, in a new call for opposition groups that reject his policies and his management of the coronavirus pandemic.

At least 300 cars and some thirty motorcycles and bicycles formed the noisy convoy that traveled the Reforma Avenue, in a call by the National AntiAMLO Front (Frena) and other opposition groups, which for the third consecutive week showed their disagreement with the government policies of the Leftist president, in power since December 2018.

“We want him (López Obrador) to resign because he destroyed the country, one of the richest in the world! There is no more time,” said Guillermo Garcia, a 59-year-old employee and participant in the protest.

“If you want a Venezuela, you better go to Cuba, if you want a socialist country, that you go to a socialist country,” added the man, visibly upset.

The caravan sought to express its repudiation to AMLO, an acronym by which the Mexican president is known, whom they accuse of putting the country’s “sovereignty, integrity and independence” at risk during the health emergency.

protest against AMLO

“AMLO, get out”

Mexico, with 127 million inhabitants, registered until this Saturday 212,802 positive cases of coronavirus and 26,381 deaths, according to the official balance. The opposition accuses the president of having minimized the impact of the pandemic.

The mobilization was called by the National AntiAMLO Front (FRENAAA), who demand the “resignation” or “resignation” of the center-left ruler.

The convoy advanced to the sound of honking horns and dotted with Mexican flags and placards reading “AMLO, Out”, “AMLO VetaYa” and “#AMLOseva”.

“We have never had a president as ignorant and corrupt as this, who only looks for his political career,” said Dolores Alcántara, 62, retired.

The organizers said that the rolling protest was also called in cities such as Puebla, Cuernavaca, Querétaro, Acapulco, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Chihuahua, Cancún and Mérida, among others.

On Saturday, in the city of Guadalajara, capital of the state of Jalisco and ruled by Enrique Alfaro, one of the president’s main opponents, a caravan of almost 2,000 cars traveled several kilometers on the main avenues of the city.


The Mazatlan Post