Citizens of San Cristobal de las Casas demand revocation of Coca Cola’s water permit


San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chis. Around 15 organizations and groups defending the environment requested the intervention of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, so that the National Water Commission (Conagua) revokes the water extraction concession of Coca-Cola FEMSA, Compañía Inmuebles del Golfo SA de CV , in the municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

In a statement, they stated that until June 23, more than 26 thousand 43 people have signed the request addressed to Conagua, supporting the request, since the authorization allows the transnational to extract “more than a million liters of water daily “

“With at least 20 years of mobilizations, different sectors of society, neighborhoods close to the company, social and environmental organizations, as well as residents in general in the city, have claimed not only some cases of contamination but the excess extraction of water from the city by this company, ”they said.

They pointed out that this has represented the extraction of “millions of liters, at the cost of the lack of access to water by the inhabitants, schools and even health centers.”

They stated that “The problems of obesity, overweight and diabetes in the population are alarming, and to a great extent caused by the consumption of Coca-Cola products that are even sold in educational establishments.”

They added: “Faced with the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the population became more vulnerable to these diseases, which led to an increase in deaths in recent months.”

They recalled that recently, human rights organizations, environmentalists, groups, networks, and city councils, among others, again demanded that Conagua suspend the concessions to extract water by the company.

However, they expressed, “in total contradiction with federal policies to protect the environment, to prioritize the needs of the people, that the people come first, among other speeches made by the President of the Republic, the demands of society fall on the vacuum”.

For this reason, they asked the deputies of the state of Chiapas and the aldermen of San Cristóbal: “What is your word? Why are they silent in the face of this claim of years and thousands of citizens? It is necessary and urgent that they make their position public and we request that they take the pertinent steps within the framework of their powers to revoke the aforementioned concession of the soft drink company. ”

The document is signed by the Ecology and Health Training Center for Peasants and the Ombudsman for the Right to Health, the Education for Peace and Human Rights Collective (CEPAZDH), the Citizen Council for Water and Territory in the Valley of Jovel, General Council of the North Zone, the Ecclesial Communities of San Cristóbal base, Maderas del Pueblo del Sureste, Otros Mundos / Chiapas, Citizen Network for the Care of Life and Mother Earth and Service and Advice for Peace (Serapaz ), among other groups, in addition to several individuals.


The Mazatlan Post