Divers from Los Cabos affected by re-suspension of nautical activities


June 23, 2020

Due to the short opening of the weekend, reservations from international clients have been scheduled and will have to be canceled.

Cabo San Lucas (CSL), Baja California Sur.- There are several disagreements in the nautical tourism of Los Cabos due to the authorities’ indecisions about the short authorization of tourist activities in the bay of Cabo San Lucas. One of them corresponds to diving companies and promoters in the tourist destination.

“First yes and then no”, it was as through the Port Captaincy the information was allegedly issued by the Baja California Sur State Committee on Health Safety, which has been taken as a lack of sensitivity and professionalism towards the maritime community from Los Cabos who have been unable to work for more than a hundred days due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In this regard, representatives of recognized diving companies and divers from Los Cabos, came together to express a position on the subject. They indicate serious damages to the economy and worse still, to the tourist image and to the tourists themselves who would come this week to dive. 

Scuba Diving Los Cabos - ScubaCaribe

“Unfortunately everything falls apart. We have people who come from Japan next Thursday to dive and we don’t know what we are going to do. The economic damage has already been done but the future damage is how we are affecting the destination. They have already opened hotels, airports, fishing, and now they are closing aquatic activities from one day to the next. What are we playing at? It is not only our money, they come to dive, and now? ”Declared Oscar Humberto Hernández Palomares. 

Abraham Mendoza Bustamante, commented, “Now that they closed us, this was an expense that we made in an unthinkable way and now it affects us a lot, we no longer have an economy, we are quite down. In my case we had to ask for a loan to comply with the regulations stipulated by the Harbor Master’s Office, API and now indebted, with this closure, we have to fire the captains, because if we had endured the Pandemic, the capital went down with the closure ” 

Buceo en Cabo San Lucas para Principiante / Tours Los Cabos

For his part, the diver based in Los Cabos and a member of the Professional Association of Divers of Baja California Sur, Miguel Ángel Alighieri stressed that this activity has always been clean and guaranteed in health, due to the nature that corresponds to professional diving. 

Lo mejor del buceo en Baja California - Viajar Buceando

“No person with a condition that will affect him can go diving, starting with the respiratory tract, he must not dive. In diving, we are through NOM 05 of Sectur, regulated in such a way that we have to have the best hygiene and sanitation for divers. With the work we do, we do not have direct contact with them, he only comes to dive, he is on the boat for a short time, they spend it underwater. ”

After explaining this, they urge the health authorities to consider technical and guaranteed information on the viability of diving and its prompt activation as a tourist activity. 

Source: cabomil.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post