Indigenous woman and her 3-year-old daughter are arrested in Oaxaca for defending herself


OAXACA, – San Juan Mazatlán, a municipality located in the Mixe mountains of Oaxaca, makes the news again for the imprisonment of the indigenous Mixe Teodora Epitacio Regina and her three-year-old daughter, allegedly for defending herself from her aggressor, Donato Marcial Martin

To denounce this new act of injustice, a photograph of the woman holding onto the bars of the municipal prison was circulated on social networks, for which the intervention of the Human Rights Defender of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO) was requested.

Unofficially, it emerged that on Saturday the 6th, Teodora, 44 years old, was assaulted in her own home by Donato Marcial, 46, who entered violently carrying a firearm.

After threatening and threatening Teodora’s family, she defended herself, however, instead of arresting the aggressor, the municipal police jailed the woman and her 3-year-old daughter.

Dissatisfied with the arrest, they questioned the action of the municipal authorities that “are sold for a few pesos”, while demanding an investigation into the beating of a person on May 23.

It is not the first time that acts of this nature have been discussed in San Juan Mazatlán. In October 2019, the abuse of authority by the municipal trustee Victorino Cabrera Andrés, who ordered the imprisonment of an indigenous woman, along with his two children – an eight-year-old girl and a two-year-old boy – was disclosed,.

The fault that the Mixe woman allegedly committed on that occasion was having asked about her husband, Juan, who had spent more than 48 hours in prison, a situation that upset the municipal trustee and ordered the arrest of the entire family.

The complaint was made through photographs that circulated on social networks, where the woman and her daughter are seen sitting inside the municipal prison, while the minor is lying on the ground, on a blanket. In another image, the three are seen behind bars.

The case was denounced by relatives and inhabitants of San Juan Mazatlán, who demanded the release of the detained family. The authority imposed a fine of 15 thousand pesos to allow them to get out of prison. The crime: asking.


The Mazatlan Post