AMLO acknowledges that there are many deaths in Mexico from Covid-19, but points out that there are more in the US or Europe


However, the President reiterated that despite the regrets, the coronavirus has been controlled in Mexico and that, therefore, it has not impacted the population as much as in other countries.

When asked about the more than  10,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that the deaths are very regrettable and painful; “In fact, many are deceased.”

However, he maintained that this situation should also be seen at the global level, because although the comparisons “are odious”, in our country the figures are lower than in other nations. 

“We must not compare due to sensitivity, some media have sought to politicize the issue of the pandemic. They have problems with us, political and ideological differences and they would like us to overflow the problem of the pandemic, that it would go wrong for us to expose ourselves, to show our supposed inefficiency, that is why they want things to be worse, ”he accused. 

“Being able to say ‘everything was wrong before, now everything has worsened.’ It is vulture season. From the beginning, the media invented the first person killed by the pandemic and dared to take pictures of crematoria on covers. And many newspapers daily, as if it were data, are mentioning the loss of human lives, “he added.

López Obrador reiterated that despite the regrets, the coronavirus has been controlled in Mexico and therefore has not impacted the population as much as the United States or countries in Europe.

“It has greatly affected our northern neighbors, unfortunately not to mention Europe. In the case of the United States, there have been four times more deaths than in Mexico, according to the population of the United States and of our country. And there are countries in Europe where there have been up to eight times more deaths in relation or comparing with what happened in our country, “he said.

“I say this that I find it difficult to express it because that campaign continues. Now they are talking about the flu coming and that there will be more deaths, scaring people away, “he added.

The president said that although the discrepancies between his government and his opponents must be maintained, “because we live in a democratic country,” he also considered that “there are issues that should not interfere, be dealt with, be used in political matters, such as the issue. of lives, as is the issue of the health of Mexicans. “


The Mazatlan Post