40% of businesses in Mazatlan on the brink of bankruptcy


Canaco asks to wait a little longer to reopen businesses because the contagion outbreak is still high

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- If the businesses closed by the Covid-19 continue, up to 40% of the businesses of various lines in Mazatlan could declare bankruptcy, said Jesús Sandoval Gaxiola.

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The president of the National Chamber of Commerce in Mazatlan pointed out that so far 20% of the 13,000 businesses affiliated with the agency will no longer raise their curtains.

He assured that they are desperate to restart activities, however, there will be no massive reopening of non-essential businesses until the Ministry of Health or the authorities allow it.

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He commented that although it is necessary to open businesses under preventive regulations, they should wait a little longer since it would be irresponsible to open them when contagions in Mazatlán remain high.

The call we make is to wait for the date issued by the Health Sector to be able to operate. The truth is that it would be very irresponsible to open when here in Mazatlán outbreaks are the order of the day so we have to be respectful of what the Ministry of Health issues.

Sandoval Gaxiola

Sandoval Gaxiola expressed that the Sana Distancia Day has already ended but that so far they do not have a date when the reopening of the trade will take place since Mazatlán continues at a red light.

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He admitted that the situation is difficult for the trade sector, especially because there are no fiscal incentives, timely credits that have not yet arrived are that reopening is sought to continue maintaining fixed expenses.

Thousands of businesses have been closed for more than two months and the truth is that the despair of the entrepreneurs and the thousands of workers who are waiting to be able to have an income and if this takes a month longer, practically speaking of 40% of companies that could no longer lift the curtains.

Sandoval Gaxiola

El Tianguis Turístico de Mazatlán | CONCANACO SERVYTUR


13 thousand businesses affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of Mazatlan.

20% of businesses will no longer open.

Source: elsoldemazatlan.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post