Sinaloa State Congress is light up with gay flag colors


For the first time, the State Congress dressed in the colors of the LGBT community flag, to commemorate the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

CULIACÁN, SINALOA (May 17, 2020).-For the first time the State Congress dressed in the colors of the LGBT community flag to commemorate the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, for which members of this community gathered at the legislative compound.

The Morena political party, which has a majority in the Legislative Branch, has been in favor of the LGBT community and its rights, however, last year that equal marriage was discussed in plenary session, the community did not have sufficient support from the divided majority to be approved, added to the other parliamentary groups that were against the initiative.

This day is commemorated since the year 1990 when the General Assembly of the World Health Organization eliminated homosexuality as a mental illness and it was in 2014 when President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a decree to declare this day as the day against homophobia in Mexico.

Source: Noroeste

The Mazatlan Post