One million 200 thousand tilapia hatchlings planted in the José López Portillo dam in Sinaloa


The national program of Productive Improvement of Reservoirs, which SADER carries out through CONAPESCA, aims to strengthen production and improve the quality of life for fishermen.

The Government of Mexico, committed to the well-being of the country’s productive sectors, benefited 270 members of cooperatives from the Higueras de Jacopa community, in Cosalá Sinaloa, through the Productive Improvement of Reservoirs program, with the planting of one million 200 thousand tilapia calves in the José López Portillo dam.

This program, which the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development (SADER) carries out through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CONAPESCA), aims to strengthen the production of the fishery for this species in the national territory.

In order to make the reservoir more productive, it is necessary to plant calves every two or three years, explained Luis Miguel Flores Campaña, General Coordinator of Operation and Institutional Strategy of Conapesca, during the dynamics carried out at the well-known dam like El Comedero.

“It is expected that, in the next season that begins, when the self-storage period passes in October, a significant increase in the catch will be reflected. What we are looking for is that there are fish in the dams so that the fisherman catches more and brings a good quality product to the Mexican table, “he added.
In this national program, the Adolfo López Mateos dams (also known as Varejonal), the Agua Nueva del Avocho Dam and the Caimanero Lagoon will be benefited in Sinaloa.

Likewise, he added that, in the Productive Improvement of Reservoirs, the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Colima are included.

The inhabitants of Higuera de Jacopa dedicated to the capture of tilapia, expressed feeling grateful to the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for providing them with SADER and CONAPESCA this support, which will allow them to have higher incomes and therefore a better life quality.


The Mazatlan Post