Mazatlan garbage collection workers deserve a special bonus


Mazatlán, Sinaloa (May 4, 2020).- Mazatlán municipal officials will ask the Mayor for a special bonus for garbage collection workers and support them to cover their needs in the face of this health emergency.

The workers made a demonstration with their collection trucks outside the Municipal Palace a few days ago, asking the authorities for a bonus for working on this pandemic and risking contagion.

Jesús Osuna Lamarque

“We were very pleased that the municipal authorities are willing to support urban garbage collection personnel, who are the workers who earn the smallest salaries,” said Jesús Osuna Lamarque, leader of STASAM.

So far, the Mayor has not confirmed this bonus, however, the municipal officials expect a positive response to this request.

120 workers would benefit from this bonus, approximately 300 daily extra pesos per person, to cover hygiene and basic needs during phase 3 of the COVID – 19 coronavirus health contingency.

Source: Enfoque Informativo

The Mazatlan Post