Therapist offers medical staff free online therapy


Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.- A mental health specialist is offering free online therapy sessions for Mexico’s hospital staff dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Psychotherapist and Puerto Vallarta resident, Vanessa Schön, made the offer after seeing an increase in patient anxiety at her practice, particularly in those who have been directly affected by the virus.

Speaking to Banderas News, she said: “Hospital workers and medical personnel are being faced with an extreme situation right now.

“In order for these individuals to be at their best to care for people with COVID-19, it is crucial they have a space to process, decompress, and talk about how they are feeling.”

Ms. Schön, who grew up in La Jolla, California, is now advising healthcare workers to look out for signs of a mental health issue, which include sadness, anger, apathy, or irritability.

She added: “Studies in China have been done to determine the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare workers. The results of these showed high rates of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and overall distress. I also worry about burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder, in which healthcare workers are already at an increased risk of developing.”

Qualifying medical staff will receive at least one therapy session per week, but can request more if needed. The 50-minute-long sessions will take place online using the video conferencing tool, Zoom.

Those who would like to apply can contact Ms. Schön at [email protected]. Sessions are available in both Spanish and English.

Sam Murray is a travel writer from London, England, who is currently residing in Puerto Vallarta. You can find his latest work on his Facebook page.

Source: Banderas News

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