Sonora experts design multi-patient respirator


A multidisciplinary group of experts from the Hermosillo Technological Center (CTH) and the State University of Sonora (UES) developed an Automatic Machine for Artificial Breathing (MARA) that is able to tend for six patients at the same time.

The prototype was developed by Pedro Mar Hernández, head of the CTH, in collaboration with the UES, directed by Pedro Ortega Romero, and with the support from Marbar Tech Solution as well as from doctors and industrial equipment suppliers like Festo, AIISA Solutions Partner Siemens , Steren, and GMAR Safety Training.

Mar Hernández added that the machine was designed due to the global need for ventilators caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which causes respiratory failure. The model was approved by over 20 medical experts.

This technological innovation from Sonora will make the designs available for society as well as the schemes and programs for its universal use so that they can be built in any university in the country and thus provide another health alternative amid the coronavirus crisis.

MARA is a redesign made up of medical-grade components as well as by equipment from the German company Festo commonly used in mechatronics, robotics, mechanics, electronics, and other disciplines at higher studies institutions in Sonora and Mexico.

Each unit is independent and can be adjusted in several parameters like oxygen volume, FiO2 oxygen flow, breathing rate, pressing force, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and virus, bacteria, and fungus filtering, among others.

Its use promotes the reduction of medical personnel for insufflation tasks and less risk of infection for healthcare workers. The Technological Universities of Sonora already have the majority of the required industrial equipment.

In addition, once the health emergency is controlled, the equipment can be used for didactic purposes.

Sonora can build up to 30 respirators
Pedro Ortega Romero, dean of the UES, informed that, so far, three institutions are going to replicate the model because the idea is to create five more units and invited all those interested to work in the prototype to take part of the project.

The technological universities of Sonora, as well as private education centers and institutions in the state, have industrial equipment for different disciplines that can be used for creating 30 respirators for the COVID-19 pandemic.

This equipment represents 70% of the components needed to build MARA. The other 20% corresponds to medical equipment and 10% to medical sensors for fever and heart rate.

Currently, Mexico has didactic industrial equipment for building 1,000 respirators of this kind that could bring hope for Mexicans at a low cost, according to Armando Ramírez Loya, National Didactic Director for Festo in Mexico.

Source: El Universal

The Mazatlan Post