Now invisible and mute, Mazatlan’s wavering parachute


Mazatlán, Sin.- A difficult situation is faced by parachute tourism service providers in Mazatlan, after not having practically any customers in the last 2 weeks.

The promoter of tourist services, Alfonso Arellano Fitch, acknowledged, the almost zero presence of visitors on the beaches has to do with the quarantineordered by the government to combat the coronavirus epidemic.

Alfonso Arellano Fitch (OEM)

Arellano Fitch stated that he used to work in a catamaran where he made an average of 4 trips per week, and now the boats are moored due to the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

In this week, we only made 2 parachute flybys, and now our service will be indefinitely terminated.

In fact, they had to cut staff, since of the 5 workers they used to have, only 3 people were left working in the parachute service, that as we said before, has been indefinitely terminated.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post