Sinaloa patient with coronavirus in Los Mochis is progressing satisfactorily


The state health secretary, Efrén Encinas, said that so far, Sinaloa has a confirmed case of Covid19 and two other suspects.

The 25-year-old patient who tested positive for the Covid19 coronavirus in Los Mochis, and who is currently the only confirmed virus in the state, is progressing satisfactorily and is stable, the Sinaloa Health Secretary reported.

In an interview on the First Issue of Línea Directa, Efrén Encinas Torres explained that this is an imported case of the coronavirus, since this person lives in California, United States, and from there he came in his car to Los Mochis, since his family lives there. .

Already in Los Mochis, his health worsened and for that reason, he went to a private medical unit, where he was treated for a pulmonary outbreak for around two days.

They managed to stabilize him but the staff gave notice to the authorities of the sanitary jurisdiction and for this reason, it was decided to transfer him to the General Hospital, where he is in a properly isolated room, without putting any type of risk on those who care for him or other patients.

Encinas Torres clarified that they are monitoring the people who had contact with this patient, they were asked to stay at home and constantly check if they have any type of symptoms.

On the other hand, the secretary pointed out that there are 2 other suspected cases of Covid19 in Sinaloa.

“There is a suspicious case in Culiacán for 3 days, in home isolation, he is asymptomatic and without any problem. There is another case in Culiacán, at the ISSSTE hospital, he is 80 years old and was recently in the United States. She has mild symptoms and is in an isolation area, the hospital has a specific area for cases that come with this circumstance, “he said.

The official said that they are waiting for the results of the laboratory tests, although they expect that they will come out negative.

He explained that so far, 12 suspected cases of coronavirus in the state have been ruled out and reiterated the request for citizens to take the necessary measures and thus avoid cases of contagion.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post