Mexico ranks as the most insecure and lowest paid country in the OECD


In addition to the inequality and violence suffered by women, Mexico is not a country of opportunity, or at least this is reflected in the most recent OECD study on welfare.

Among the members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) , Mexico is the country in which the population feels more insecure and where they earn less. These data come from the study “How is life going 2020? Measuring social welfare “.

This analysis details that Mexico is the second country where more homicides are committed – only after Colombia – but the first where people feel more insecure.

And to confirm the bad news, it is in Mexico where full-time workers receive less wages.


The figures, in fact, show that a higher percentage of Mexicans felt safer in 2010, while by 2018 the figure had declined.

According to statistics shown by the Organization, between 2010 and 2012, more than half of Mexicans responded that they felt safe walking in the streets of the city where they live, while for the period 2016 to 2018, only 42% responded affirmative way to the same question.

That is, in 2010, 50.4% of citizens in the country felt safe, while by 2018 that figure decreased to 42.5%, according to statistics from the international organization.

“8 out of 10 men, on average, feel safe; while 6 out of 10 women reported the same when they walk home alone. This reflects that women are at greater risk of sexual attacks. ”

It is also indicated that the second country on the list – with the highest perception of insecurity – is Colombia, although its level of homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants is higher than that of Mexico.

Bad wages

Mexico is also the country that pays the worst wages to its full-time workers. The OECD average is $ 60,000 a year, while in Mexico the ranges are below $ 20,000.

As indicated in the figures, in 2010 Mexicans earned an average of $ 16,183 annually; 10 years later, his income had only increased to $ 16,298 annually, that is, $ 115.

And although this would mean that on average the Mexican would receive a salary of just over 27,000 pesos per month, it is noted that the average is affected by the gap of those who earn the most.

“The richest 20% still earn ten times more than those at the bottom of the income distribution in Mexico, the highest level of income inequality among OECD countries.”


The Mazatlan Post