Visit the incomparable neighborhood of San Ángel in CDMX


If you are about to travel to Mexico City or live in this place, you have to visit the charming neighborhood of San Ángel.

Descubre y envuélvete en el ambiente que ofrece el inigualable barrio de San Ángel. (Foto cortesía MXCity)
Descubre y envuélvete en el ambiente que ofrece el inigualable barrio de San Ángel. (Foto cortesía MXCity)

Although many people don’t know it, Mexico City is without a doubt the starting point of Mexican history, and many architectural monuments are found in San Angel.

Why is it called San Ángel?

The barrio de San Ángel, is totaly associated to all kinds of historic and urbanistic elements; in 1934 it was delcared Pueblo Típico Pintoresco, and in 1987, the president Miguel de la Madrid declared it historical monuments zone.

The neighbohood got its name from the San Ángel Mártir school. Which is another historic building of this this barrio.

This great place not only gives life to majestic volcanic stone paths, numerous religious monuments and beautiful bougainvillea, but there are also museums, squares with legacies, sculptural paths, nature, colonial buildings of incalculable architectural value and traditional festivals; MXCity information.

Descubre y envuélvete en el ambiente que ofrece el inigualable barrio de San Ángel
Descubre y envuélvete en el ambiente que ofrece el inigualable barrio de San Ángel. (Foto cortesía MXCity)

It is worth mentioning that this great destination, before being named San Angel, the inhabitants in pre-Hispanic times named it “the walled place”, referring to its fascinating volcanic stone everywhere, which is the resulrt of the eruption of the Xitle (volcano lcated within Mexico City, near the Ajusco).

San Ángel Art District

So if you are a lover of arts&crafts you need to pass by the neighborhood, you can not miss the Saturday Bazaar, where you can find textiles, fine jewelry and even ceramics and carpentry.

It is worth mentioning that this bazaar boasts the works, styles and skills of the best artisans in the country, so do not think about it to enjoy this great place that offers more attractions such as the Temple and Ex-Convent of Carmen, the Diego Studio House Museum Rivera and Frida Kahlo, Soumaya Loreto Museum, Chimalistac, among others.

Bazar del Sábado
Bazar del Sábado. San Ángel. (Foto cortesía Tiempo Libre)

The Mazatlan Post