Sectur CDMX takes the first step to regulate online accommodation platforms


Mexico City will be the first entity to have a regulation model for digital accommodation platforms, type Airbnb, with a project headed by the local Ministry of Tourism (Sectur CDMX).

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On Tuesday they started the work tables for this purpose, where CDMX authorities, hotel businessmen, local legislators and Airbnb representative, the main player of this segment, who showed their willingness to regulate met. 

CDMX Sectur

The head of Sectur CDMX, Carlos Mackinlay, and the president of the Tourism Commission of the capital’s Congress, Ana Patricia Báez, led this first meeting where Luis Barrios, general director of Hoteles City Express and former president of the National Association of Hotel Chains (ANCH), and Jorge Balderrama, public policy manager of Airbnb.

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Carlos Mackinlay said that only in CDMX it is estimated that there are between 17 and 22 thousand rental units under the scheme of digital accommodation platforms; and highlighted the first consensus reached in the area of ​​collection, in which Airbnb-type companies pay lodging tax.

However, the head of Sectur CDMX said that it is time to move towards regulation on civil protection, risk prevention, safety, and building limitation issues, among other issues.

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On the other hand, Ana Patricia Báez commented that at the beginning the establishments must be registered on these platforms, implement categories, as well as collaborate with hoteliers to eliminate a long list of regulations that they must comply with.

Sectur CDMX estimates suggest that in 2019 more than one million tourists were accommodated in this type of accommodation, primarily hotel areas such as the Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Hidalgo, and Benito Juárez municipalities; and currently represent 5.9 percent of hotel occupancy.

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The limitation of land use is one of the factors that propitiates the boom in this type of lodging offer, said Luis Barrios; Meanwhile, Javier Puente, representative of the Hotel Association of CDMX, agrees with Deputy Báez at the points required to regulate the Airbnb type platforms.

The manager of the digital platform expressed his confidence in generating a successful regulation and generating a new regulatory framework in which bad practices are eliminated.

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In CDMX there are 630 hotel establishments with an offer of more than 50 thousand rooms, which employ at least one million 300 thousand people; hence the importance of regulating companies that represent a threat to formal hotel management.

Source: nitu

The Mazatlan Post