At least 3 colonies in La Paz suffer non-water service; they have to water trucks


La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The head of the Municipal Operating Agency of the Potable Water, Sewerage and Sanitation System of La Paz (Oomsapas), Juan Carlos Higuera said that at least 3 colonies of La Paz could have an inefficient service, however, he said that these colonies have distribution of water through pipes.

“We have like Márquez de León , Villas de Guadalupe , Lagunitas , what is the northern zone, but basically we don’t have a big problem in the city’s colonies,” said the official.

In this regard, he made it clear that the Marquéz de León colony previously had pipe distribution, so he said he has enough storage to survive without the service for a week.

“We have colonies out there that we do give to what is the week once, which is Márquez de León , that is, it is very incisive what the demand is, but I also remind you that this colony had water distribution in pipes before , so they have enough water to store and be without water for a week, ”said Carlos Higuera . 

He also explained that one of the causes for which these 3 colonies have a deficient water service of the vital liquid is due to urban infrastructure, but for that reason the Municipality is carrying out projects to have 2 large tanks in these colonies.

«It is because of the structure that we have, that is how the city has been growing in infrastructure, we have an aqueduct, a tank, a bounce; In this administration we are doing projects to carry out 2 large tanks in the north zone and from there we can provide the service to these colonies, ”said the Director of SAPA La Paz.

Finally, he was questioned whether or not there are colonies that receive tanning for more than a week to which he replied no, that only every third day, mainly in the Márquez de León neighborhood.

“There are no colonies that have tandeo greater than one week, there is every third day, basically Marquez de Leon and the tourist area, which is part of what is the tourist corridor of the scenic highway,” he concluded.

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post