Mazatlan firefighters do not have the equipment to deal with chemical emergencies


Mazatlan, Sin. – “After many years of lag in equipment and infrastructure, the Volunteer Firefighters of Mazatlan will undergo a renewal as far as personal protection is concerned”, Commander Edgar Peinado Beltrán announced.

“For many years the firefighters in Mazatlan were in a great lag of equipment, there were no helmets to protect their heads, or a machine that worked in optimal conditions. Fortunately, since 2017 and thanks to the efforts of the Board of Trustees (Patronato) and the municipal council, important contributions have been made to the Mazatlan Fire Department”, Chief Peinado continued.

“Although the necessary protection equipment is currently available, and the rescue units are operating normally, some specialized tools are still needed”, Peinado added.

“One of the issues that we need to address is the attention of chemical emergencies, neither Mazatlan Firefighters nor that it is of my knowledge, another instance or institution has equipment to deal with dangerous chemical emergencies, such as spills and leaks of ammonia, gas, chlorine, cyanide, which are chemicals that travel daily across the state and through the city”, stated the Chief.

Commander Edgar Peinado Beltrán

“At the Mazatlan piers, a large amount of hazardous chemicals are handled everyday; in the face of such potential danger, the Mazatlan Fire Department needs specialized emergency and protection equipment to face a situation of that kind,” Peinado stated.

Commander Edgar Peinado Beltrán

The Chief hopes to have the necessary equipment by the end of this year, along with a fully equipped unit for hazardous materials handling.

  • 79 elements make up Mazatlan Volunteer Firefighters
    50 fully volunteers
    20 with a salary
    4 stations in operation

The Mazatlan Post