All off-road vehicles in Sinaloa will need plates and registration decal

The initiative will be included in the Revenue Law, which was presented by the deputy of Morena Alma Rosa Garzón Aguilar

Not for a collection issue, but for security is that it was proposed that the razers and the ATVs pay all the rights like the rest of the motor units, said the deputy of Morena Alma Rosa Garzón Aguilar from the court when speaking as author of the initiative that was approved this Friday and that is part of the tax reforms.

She mentioned that from 2020 they will have to pay for decal and plates the units and the collection will go to the State Fund for Environmental Protection.

“They were not required to have regulation in order and possibly this measure could be taken differently, I hope it is not so, in that sense my initiative contemplated not only the search for regularization, but also that the destiny of resources should go to environmental protection, ”she said.

She recalled that the initiative arose at the proposal of citizens of the municipality of Mazatlan where they were forced to locate through Transito, because the state did not carry out the procedure, now it will be standardized for the entire state.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post