The Best Universities of Mexico | Ranking 2019


Which are the best universities in Mexico? These are the results of the ranking of Universities of Mexico 2019 prepared by the AméricaEconomía magazine.

In December 2018, the newly assumed Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) presented the Benito Juárez García University Welfare Program, with which he intends to open 100 new free public universities in the lower-income populations of the country. The proposal generated a series of debates since the issue of access and coverage in higher education is one of the great shortcomings of the Mexican education system.

According to data from the Unesco Institute for Statistics (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Mexico had a coverage of 37.3% in 2015 in the group of young people of study age, while in Latin America and the Caribbean the average coverage reached 44.4% and in the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) this coverage rose to 74.7 percent.

Another edge of the debate focused on quality. Critical voices to the program indicate that it is one thing to open universities, but another very different thing is to guard the quality of these schools, otherwise, second or third category training would be offered for young people with less economic resources. And, considering that the country has public universities of recognized international quality, these should be the parameter for the new institutions.

Coupled with the issue of social mobility, AMLO’s proposal also involves and is inspired by the old aspiration to achieve meritocracy in access to higher education, at a time when Mexico, as in other Latin American countries, educational achievement It is very subject to the socioeconomic origin.

According to the study “ Mexico of 2018: Social Mobility for Well-being ” conducted by the Espinosa Yglesias Studies Center, people whose parents have low levels of education inherent low levels of education, which implies that the social position is transmitted from parents to children. The issue is even worse for women: like socioeconomic status, women’s roles are also transmitted from generation to generation, which translates into a bias within Mexican families, when they must decide whether to invest or Not in the education of girls.

Table Chart Infogram

Quantity and quality

One of the fears of public schools of higher education is that the proposal to create 100 new state universities decreases the budget allocated for existing state universities and this reduces the quality of all public universities.

The public universities evaluated (39) add a total of 56,662 full-time professors against the 6,796 private universities (11), with an average of 1,453 for the first and 618 for the latter. In the case of professors per hour or by subject, public universities add 88,375 professors, with an average of 2,266 per university, and private higher education institutions ( IES ) 21,945, with an average of 1,995.

Regarding the academic degree of the total teaching staff of the public universities evaluated, 23.9% correspond to professors with a doctorate and 31.9% have a master’s degree as the last academic degree achieved. In the same criteria, private universities have 19.8% and 51.5% respectively.

Public universities add 17,238 researchers registered with the National System of Researchers ( SNI ). Of these, 48% is distributed among four universities: UNAM and IPN , in addition to the Metropolitan Autonomous University ( UAM ) and the University of Guadalajara. Without these, the average SNI researchers of public universities is 256.

What are the best universities in Mexico?

The methodology of the Ranking of the Best Universities in Mexico 2019

These are the criteria of the AméricaEconomía Intelligence team to prepare the Ranking of the Best Universities in Mexico 2019:

Teaching Quality (30%): Evaluates the teaching body according to the gross number of professors according to academic day (10%), and their ratio to the number of students enrolled in Bachelor’s Degree (10%); the distribution of the total teaching staff (25%) considering the following variables: full time, three quarters, half time and hour. It also evaluates the training of the same faculty (55%), according to whether they are: doctoral academics, master, graduates, and technicians.

Research (20%): Measures the annual amount of patents achieved (45%) according to the relationship between patents applied for, patents granted and a “Success Rate”; the absolute annual production of ISI paper (15%), the annual productivity of ISI paper for each researcher (30%), and the quality of the researchers according to their level reached, according to the SNI-Conacyt category (10 percent ).

Prestige (15%): It is evaluated according to online surveys applied to the reader base of the newspaper El Economista y de AméricaEconomía during January 2019.

Internationalization (15%): It is constructed through two axes: considering the appearances in various international rankings of universities, complemented by an indicator of perception based on the aforementioned survey, according to your questions about globalization and Latin American prestige. The second axis corresponds to the information reported by the universities regarding double degree agreements, exchange of professors with foreign universities, exchange of students with foreign universities and the ratio between the amounts allocated for students wishing to exchange abroad and the amount of benefited students.

Postgraduate offer (10%): Considers the classification of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) of Conacyt (80%), according to whether they are: international, developing, consolidated and newly created. The remaining 20% ​​evaluates the total of postgraduate programs, both doctoral and master, and regardless of whether they are accredited or not.

Accreditation (5%): Measures the gross amount (40%) of undergraduate academic programs that are accredited before the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education (Copaes) and the proportion of these (60%) in relation to the total Undergraduate programs offered.

Inclusion and Diversity (5%): The Diversity axis takes the ratio of female, indigenous, Afro-Mexican and with some type of disability students over the total number of undergraduate, specialty, master’s and doctoral students (25%), gender parity between teachers and senior administrative positions (25%). The Inclusion axis considers the relationship between the amount allocated for scholarships and the number of students benefited (15%), the implementation of an own program of aid for indigenous students (10%), the implementation of some system of financing for costs total studies (5%), and facilities in terms of infrastructure and materials for blind people (10%) and for people with physical disabilities or reduced mobility (10 percent).

The latest available data to January 2019 of Execum-UNAM, Conacyt-PNPC, Copaes, and different international rankings were used as sources, in addition to information reported by 40 universities corresponding to the 2017-2018 academic period, for cases of the dimensions of Internationalization and Inclusion and Diversity.

The methodology for preparing the Ranking of the Best Universities in Mexico does not consider within its variables or dimensions the illegal acts committed by authorities of the ranked institutions. For this reason, in this edition, we have kept universities denounced and investigated by the Mexican kusticia in the ranking for their alleged participation in the so-called “Master Scam”. These universities are the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, the Autonomous University of Carmen de Campeche, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and the Autonomous Juarez University of Tabasco.

Source: el economista

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