Mexico border residents can only cross $ 150 dollars of U.S. merchandise into Mexico


The Christmas holidays are just around the corner and with it, they return the same confusions of each year. What is the merchandise that is allowed to cross the borders to Mexico ?.

According to the Tax Administration Service (SAT), persons of legal age who are residents of the border region or region may only cross $ 150 in merchandise, if they travel alone, or $ 400 per vehicle per family day.

The border region includes the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo and the partial region of Sonora; Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, the southern border strip adjacent to Guatemala and the municipalities of Caborca, Sonora, Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas, and Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.

The SAT has an option on its website, so you can get an estimate of what you would be charged if you exceed the limit of your purchase merchandise.

When selecting that you travel by land when crossing the border, you must select the option if you travel alone or accompanied in the same vehicle.

Then you will be asked to enter each of the items you will cross into Mexico, adding quantity and price. On the right side will appear a souvenir which will give you information about the import of the product or how much you should pay in case of exceeding your amounts allowed.

These are the items that you cannot enter

  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Beer.
  • Tobacco carved in cigars or cigars.
  • Automotive fuel, except that contained in the fuel tank of the vehicle that meets the manufacturer’s specifications.


The Mazatlan Post